Sam Garg is an all-rounded front-end web developer. He's been building consumer facing websites for over 10 years. Specialises in responsive web solutions, allowing businesses to create and maintain a single website for desktop, tablet and mobile.
After graduating from University of Technology Sydney, as a Software Engineer, Sam Garg worked for several big names in Sydney and Amsterdam. Now Sam mostly does remote web freelancing, helping startups and small businesses improve their online presence. Does most of the work himself, but for bigger gigs, he has a small team of freelancers to help him out.
Sam has a keen eye for design, loves designing websites himself and working with designers, building beautiful and cutting-edge user-experiences together. Writes pixel-perfect CSS and clean & well-organised code. Sam firmly believes in minimalistic design and minimal code. Less is more :)
When he's not building websites, Sam loves exploring the world. He's lived in Sydney, Amsterdam, Colombia and currently resides on Isla Gran Canaria in Spain. Loves beaches and shooting beautiful landscapes. He's travelled with his camera to over 30 countries around Asia, Europe and Latin America and he's not done yet!